Christopher Spivey
There are reasons that I have not written about the Hampstead Satanic Child Abuse case up until now.
The main reason that I didn’t write about the case back in 2014, which centered around the online testimony of two children – who made all manner of lurid claims – was because there was no evidence to back up what they were saying.
In other words, their claims could not be proved or disproved either way. However, I must also add that the two children did not appear to me to be too traumatised by the awful events which they claimed to have witnessed and as such I decided to err on the side of caution and leave the reporting – or lack of it – to others.
And by “lack of reporting” I do not mean that nobody picked up on the story. On the contrary almost everybody with an ‘alternative media’ blog seized upon the sordid tale without apparently thinking things through… Yet – as I just stated – there was nothing to report except the testimony of those two children who did not seem too traumatised for their alleged horrific experience.
Moreover, the more that the story evolved, the more that I began to suspect that a psy-op was taking place and the alternative media was being set up for an almighty fall… Just like Lord McAlpine did with Steve Messham back in 2012.
And it now seems that I was right in my belief since Sabine McNeill has been sentenced to NINE years in prison for the part that she played in perpetuating the hoax.
I mean, c’mon! Get real. People do not receive 9 years prison for manslaughter let alone harassment and breaching a restraining order. Yet by giving a 74 year old pensioner such a severe sentence for making outlandish claims sends out a clear message to anyone else thinking about doing so.
Indeed, the very fact that the national press, who all quietly reported – if that is what you can call it – on McNeill’s case are not up in arms about the severity of the sentence is all the proof that I need to indicate that this was psy-op.
My suspicions are further raised by the fact that the mother and step-father who the police claim forced their two children to invent their accounts have been on the run since February 2015 – Four years without capture.
Indeed, they must have read the Osama Bin Laden book on ‘Hide and Seek for professionals‘ to evade capture for so long… Either that or the police are not looking for them too hard.
After all, it is nigh on impossible to just disappear these days unless you are a member of the mafia or something.
Moreover, you have to ask yourself how Sabine got all of the details about the Satanic abuse. The following is taken from the Chimp:
She published details of the cult online saying: ‘They would drink the blood of babies and then dance around wearing the skulls on parts of their bodies.
‘They would put them to sleep by injecting them, slit their throats, cook the babies and eat them.’
McNeill even claimed babies were cooked in a secret room in a McDonald’s restaurant on Finchley Road.
‘The allegations were of murder, cannibalism, satanism and sexual abuse. They could not be more serious or vile. Source
McNeill also claims that those taking part in the Satanic abuse included: Teachers, Social Workers, The Police and Members of the Clergy, yet it is not stated how she came upon all of that information.
I can however tell you that no one in the know tells you nothing in this game unless you are working for the security services.
So am I saying that Sabine was in on the fraud? No. I am not saying that she was or that she wasn’t because I really do not know. I mean she could have been or she could just as easily have been set up and used.
Nevertheless, nine years for the alleged crimes committed by McNeill is the kind of term usually condemned by the press as a breach of human rights for being handed out to those who dare to speak out in countries such as China, Russia and North Korea.
And despite that fact, not one of our national newspapers has criticised the sentence which in the case of 74 year old Sabine is in theory akin to a life sentence.
Indeed, the fact that the Chimp has moderated the comments on its farticle says it all really… There are four at the time of writing whereas such an article would normally generate thousands.
Not that the 9 year sentence makes any sense.
You see, McNeill was convicted of four counts of harassment and six counts of breaching a restraining order.
The Chimp then goes on to say that “McNeill was jailed for a total of nine years”… However, quite crucially – not to mention predictably – the Monkey-Kuntz do not say whether those 9 years are made up of concurrent sentences.
Let me explain… When I was disgustingly convicted of two counts of harassment and two counts of sending malicious communications – although to this day I still do not know how that was possible – I was sentenced to 6 months in prison suspended for two years on each count.
That means that had the sentences not been suspended I would in the eyes of the law have been sentenced to two years in prison, but because the four 6 months terms were concurrent, I would only have served 6 months maximum – three months with good behaviour.
And if McNeill’s sentences are concurrent – and they usually are – she could logically be out in six months since she was convicted on 10 counts and each count has to be sentenced separately.
Therefore, she may well have received for example; a years prison for each count of breaking the restraining order and 9 months for each count of harassment all to run concurrently – making 9 years in total (and the Chimp does say that “McNeill was jailed for a total of nine years”) , but 1 year in reality and out in 6 months with good behaviour.
Indeed, that would make much more sense since the maximum sentence for breaking a restraining order is FIVE years and the average sentence for harassment if you are unlucky is six months suspended for a year.
In fact for McNeill to be sentenced to prison for ‘Harassment Without Violence‘ in the first place – even if they are concurrent sentences – is an outrage.
And as for breaking the restraining order six times remember, this is the first time that she has been in court for doing so. In other words, it is not as if she was in court for the sixth time for breaking that restraining order.
Indeed, Matthew Taylor was recently up in court for breaching a restraining order on four counts (if I remember rightly) and was given 4 months prison suspended for two years.
Course, the judge described the harassment that McNeill was convicted of as being “high end“, but they always say that (my harassment conviction was described in court as high end but I didn’t go to prison) and the fact remains that it was harassment WITHOUT violence and as far as I can see that consisted of McNeill making the accusations on a blog, attending a protest outside a church, handing out leaflets and urging her readers to send Barbie Dolls painted red to those that she had accused… How many Barbie Dolls were sent is unknown (very few I doubt) but when you consider that an LBC Radio Deejay told his listeners to throw bricks at me, for which he was reprimanded by OFCOM instead of being charged with inciting violence, it is hard to fathom how McNeill’s harassment was at the high end.
Neither should you take any notice of the impact on the victims as described in the farticles. Indeed, the victims are encouraged by the police to make their impact statements as damningly devastating as possible… Especially in cases such as this.
However, as I say, by stating that McNeill has been sent to prison for 9 years will do the trick and is quite possibly the final nail in the coffin of the alternative media – which is in all honesty on its last legs anyway… And that was the whole point of this exercise in the first place.
Just sayin’.
You can read the full story HERE
January 11, 2019 @ 8:58 am
January 11, 2019 @ 9:53 am
Chris x
January 11, 2019 @ 9:46 am
January 11, 2019 @ 9:55 am
I’m not aware of the superbowl but they did turn up in support of the ‘victims’ of the Paris terrapin attack. But shhhh.
January 11, 2019 @ 12:55 pm
January 11, 2019 @ 7:35 pm
January 11, 2019 @ 3:43 pm
January 11, 2019 @ 7:35 pm
January 12, 2019 @ 2:38 pm
Robert Green and I both know from personal ‘jail time’ experience in bonny Nonceland the slam-dunk vindictive consequences of exposing Establishment elitist kiddie fiddling rings and their Violate Club membershits identities – (just Google ‘Hollie Greig sex abuse scandal’ – the serial rape and sexual abuse of a Downs Syndrome girl – and her Beechwood ‘Special School’ classmates – all minors – by an Aberdeen based Masonic-Satanist paedo ring) – along with naming and shaming various Plod Squad Scotland nonce-ponce pervs and Crown Office legal worthies – all implicated via loose lips court testimony / documented correspondences – of covering up the abuse.
Sabine McNeill and Belinda McKenzie are both known personally to us – and while both are fearless anti-child abuse campaigners – neither harbour sinister fantasy / delusional motives – or are mentally deranged – and thus acted on evidence that was available – whether psych-op trap variety or real.
Something stinks in Hampstead – and it isn’t Hamlet’s socks.
January 12, 2019 @ 7:55 pm
All band members are gone,not active anywhere online nor are they playing in any bands at all…..none of them.
All women involved,some bit part actresses and witnesses etc are all gone from social media.
Watkins mother was supposed to be at deaths door when he was arrested.Her death has never been reported.
Main prosecution witness and whistleblower is nowhere to be seen at all.
No reports EVER about either jailed mother being attacked or anything in prison.Highly unlikely they would have had no trouble the past 6 years.
Please look into all this and especially the satanic rock heavy metal scene.Its huge and openly satanic.
Best regards
January 13, 2019 @ 11:45 pm
January 14, 2019 @ 1:16 am
January 14, 2019 @ 9:37 pm
His Twitter banner is also a painting of BAPHOMET.Go see for yourselves.
His called his fans ARMY OF THE DEAD by the way.
It it well documented that he had some incest escort thing going via the website Adultwork and one of his ex’s was on a video laughing about child sex and drugs. Fuckin warped.
Although how much of this is real,faked,doctored,made up or whatever is a damn mystery.Nobody gives a straight answer or explanation.
I thought child rapists were duppised to have a hard time in prison? This guy has never once been reported as even being spat upon!
Hope someone here can shed some light on this. Whatever the case irs got satanism written all over it.
January 13, 2019 @ 3:28 pm
The Mother of all fake “referendums” is about to be foisted on the British public. The PTB want us all to take part in the epic circus they’re planning. A circus they’ll cynically call: “A People’s Vote”.
What we really should call it is:
“A Rigged So-Called-Referendum, Allowing Citizens Who are Total Imbeciles to be Complicit with the Bilderbergers in Building a Federal European Superstate”
The 2nd Brexit “Referendum” is going to happen any week now.
The 2nd Brexit “Referendum” will be nothing more than a simulacrum of democracy. A charade, strictly for the hard-of-thinking.
The build-up to the 2nd Brexit “Referendum” is going to involve terrifying fear-mongering and poisonous vitriol.
“Referendum” day itself, and “the counting of the votes” (ahem), will involve deception, fraud and criminality on a scale that will leave the well-informed among us OPEN-MOUTHED in horror.
But first, a torrent of new propaganda is about to be unleashed on the British public: complete with further horrific false flags, and absolutely *blood-curdling* threat warnings.
Step forward, BBC, SKY, Murdoch media, Daily Hate, Guardian, social media, and assorted agents and puppets of the security and intelligence services.
Watch and listen for:
1. A calculated escalation in societal levels of misogyny and sexism
2. A calculated increase in the number of incidents involving men displaying malice toward women
3. A calculated escalation in levels of intolerance: including crimes & incidents embodying fear & loathing of Those Who Are Different
4. A calculated increase in levels of hate speech, and acts of aggression targeting immigrants, foreigners, the poor, the homeless, and minorities
5. A calculated rise in the levels of, and numbers of crimes involving, Russophobia, Sinophobia, Judophobia, Islamophobia and homophobia
6. An escalation in societal fear levels generally. Fears about violence on the streets. Fears about the actions of the global superpowers. Fears about declining trade – and dying high streets. Fears about a potential economic meltdown. Fears about falling living standards. Fears about potential mass job losses.
7. Fake economic data. Fake opinion polls. Fake trends. Fake news events. Fake news coverage. Media commentators talking smack and bullying their targets
8. Politicians making cynical appeals to voters to heed the so-called “economic reality” and to exercise so-called “common sense” and “sensible precaution” in their decision making.
This Establishment propaganda event is going to be EPIC. Don’t be complicit in it.
Don’t vote in, give money to, campaign for, or support in any way, the “PEOPLE’S VOTE” CRIMINAL CIRCUS about to be unleashed on us all.
If enough of us decline to recognise the 2nd Brexit “Referendum” – and if enough us take NO part in it – then we preserve our dignity as citizens.
The puppet masters are tugging at our strings again because they desperately want us to dance again in a 2nd Brexit poll. Don’t give them the satisfaction of dancing. Laugh instead!
January 14, 2019 @ 5:59 pm
They did that with the last general election which, like them or not, was a clear victory for UKIP. What did UKIP get? ONE SEAT as an insult both to UKIP and to the British electorate.
I’ve said for decades that if we could somehow convince a jewspaper editor that he’d slept for a couple of days, he could publish the result of tomorrow’s election today, accurate to the last vote, and they’ll do exactly the same with the second referendum.
I remember the scaremongering leading up to the much earlier “stay or leave” referendum in the 1970s, with the primary message being that “after two bloody wars with Europe” we should vote to stay in as the only way to avoid the bloodshed of a third world war.
Today BBC local radio has been putting out the “doom and gloom” message that “if we leave without a deal”, we’ll have no food, no medicines, no medical workers, and the roads leading to the channel ports will be at a standstill.
This invites a one-word response. Men have two of them.
How can leaving the communist union affect essential supplies? How could it adversely affect cross-channel ferries?
The world wasn’t ending before that nonce heath LIED us into the EUSSR, so why would it suddenly end if we were allowed to leave?
Q. How can we tell when a politician is lying?
A. His mouth is moving.
January 13, 2019 @ 4:43 pm
Something is brewing with the RF, I’m sure.
w w w
Prince Charles and Camilla divorce claim published in national magazine
New Idea’s source said that the couple have ‘barely seen each other’ in the past few months
By Katie Timms Reporter 08:19, 8 JAN 2019
A long-running Australian magazine has claimed that Prince Charles and Camilla are filing for divorce “imminently”.
New Idea magazine, which is said to have over two-million readers a week, report that a “royal insider” has told of the struggles in the royal couple’s marriage.
The magazine reports that the Prince of Wales, 70, has been consulting with his divorce lawyer, Fiona Shackleton, and has “already signed the papers”.
The Baroness is regarded as “the leading divorce lawyer” and represented Charles throughout his divorce with Princess Diana in 1996.
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was not present at the Queen’s pre-Christmas lunch at Buckingham Palace, due to being unwell with a cold, and she also did not attend the Christmas Day church service at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham.
The 71-year-old was also not present at Princess Eugenie’s wedding in October due to previous commitments.
At the time, Clarence House said that the Duchess was attending a local school harvest festival near home in Balmoral.
The royal source source told New Idea: “While the whole world has been obsessed with Kate and Meghan’s feud and William and Harry falling out, behind palace walls there’s been a much bigger drama afoot.
“It’s believed that Charles and Camilla are set to announce their divorce imminently.
“They’ve already signed the papers and have barely seen each other in recent months, apart from Charles’ 70th birthday event, which the Queen made Camilla attend to avoid speculation.”
The magazine added that “despite happy public appearances” the truth about Charles and Camilla’s relationship has been made clear to everyone who is in the royal circle.
January 14, 2019 @ 10:15 am
This blog has been a conduit of it for some time;
January 15, 2019 @ 11:30 am
Hampstead: Ricky Dearman Resurfaces With Children
January 15, 2019 @ 11:40 am – (2.56) 8 years old 2.5 years later …. Alisa Dearman (Williams)
January 16, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
Does anyone think Shirley Porter, Greville Janner, Leon Brittan et al are NOT in Israel as we speak?
Come to that, where did Jo Cox end up?
Certainly, not in the grave.
Her “assassination” was the psy-op they pulled in panic when they began to realise they were going to lose the Referendum big-time. Even then, they still had to rig the result (52%:48%) to make it look close. In reality, REMAIN were wiped out.
No-one need be in any doubt they will RIG any second referendum from the get-go.
The psy-ops and false-flag terrorism are quite intense now because the globalists are on the back-foot. The PTB also know that most people can’t or won’t think for themselves.
Therefore we have be told what to think. It’s an ongoing war on the domestic population.
The most glaringly obvious way to overcome the current BREXIT inertia is to fulfil the democratic mandate of the 2016 Referendum and take us out WITHOUT A DEAL on 29th March.
Then, we start trading with the other 93% of the world who are not in the EU and we don’t have to pay the £59 billion the EU wants in return for a “deal”.
The word “deal” never appeared on the Referendum ballot paper. Yet the idea that we can’t leave without a deal without the sky falling in is the one the PTB and their useful idiot REMAINER MPs and rent-a-mob have been peddling since the Referendum result in 2016.
In the official media the simple means by which our country can recover some self-respect – not to mention our independent national sovereignty – is portrayed as the scenario from Hell. Project Fear goes into overdrive as soon as it’s mooted.
2019 will indeed be the Year of the PSY-OP because by now it’s the last weapon short of making us all disappear!
The Solution
After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers’ Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?
Bertold Brecht would also have been suspicious of People’s Votes and Second Referendums!
January 17, 2019 @ 12:13 pm
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?”
Isn’t that what (((they’re))) doing now with all this mass immigration?
Not enough jobs to go round. Bring in more people.
NHS on the point of collapse. Bring in more people.
Utilities at breaking point. Bring in more people.
Not enough housing. Bring in more people.
Railways in chaos. Bring in more people.
Potholed roads clogged with traffic. Bring in more people.
Violent crime increasing. Bring in more known terrapins and convicted criminals from foreign prisons, like that (Lithuanian?) one who murdered his wife in his home country and then came here and murdered a teenaged girl, somewhere in the London area I believe.
I agree that most foreigners are decent people, but zog-uk seems to be deliberately importing known criminals from all over the world for the purpose of triggering a race war in which they hope we’ll be too busy fighting immigrants to direct our anger at the (((real criminals))).
Brexit! There was never any hope of leaving the EUSSR. It was a LIE from the start. They just underestimated the size of “fix” that would be needed to give the impression that we’d voted to stay in.
They won’t make that mistake again. This time they’ll have decided the result in advance, down to the last vote, making this second “referendum” meaningless. It’s what (((they))) do.
Remember the 2015 “election”, when anti-government feeling was such that, for good or bad, UKIP were guaranteed a landslide? The official result? UKIP were very generously granted ONE SEAT as zog’s way of sticking two fingers up to both the party (UKIP) and the British electorate.
The fact that UKIP meekly accepted this obvious insult probably just goes to show they weren’t really as presented.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it“, something (((they))) always do. “Tommy Robinson” anyone?
They’re replacing the British people with other races that they think will be more easily controlled, and the only solution is something we’re not allowed to mention due to thought-crime “laws”, and idiotic accusations of anti-septic-ism if we attempt to identify the ancient (((enemy))) of God and man.
January 17, 2019 @ 11:16 pm
they know who I am anyway. check my linked in or facebook in my real name and msg me Scarlett I dare you! Lemme see what ya got (not a lot bab not a thing)
January 17, 2019 @ 11:21 pm
January 17, 2019 @ 11:22 pm
January 17, 2019 @ 11:24 pm
January 18, 2019 @ 2:53 am
January 18, 2019 @ 2:19 pm
January 19, 2019 @ 12:01 pm
January 19, 2019 @ 10:44 pm